Rehabilitation of Verrazano Narrows Bridge Anchorages, TBTA


B & H Engineering, P.C. has provided construction inspection services, as a prime consultant, for the Rehabilitation of Verrazano Narrow Bridge Anchorages, TBTA.

Project VN81 involved demolition and removal of cinder hopper, installation of an access vehicular platform, construction of a galvanized steel enclosure around the cable strands within the anchorages, installation of dehumidification equipment along with associated power, controls, communications, duct work and supports; insulation and equipment supports; replacement of expansion jets and sealing of contraction joints and cracks at the anchorages; sealing of openings (cable and hand rope at the anchorages); and lead abatement at junctions of new construction and existing steel surfaces.

Project VN85 included repairs to concrete structures, replacement of stringer bearings, rehabilitation of the roadway deck over anchorage roofs, rehabilitation of deck joints and drainage system, application of an elastomeric acrylic coating system to the anchorage walls, repairs to access ladders, cages and catwalk including removal of lead paint.